The first foggy morning of the autumn - lovely for photographing cobwebs. When I came to use the car I found the windscreen on the inside dripping with condensation which showed up several large cobwebs draped over the dashboard and seats. I don't think I have ever cleaned the inside of my car, let alone the outside!
Great photo Lindsay - I know what you mean about car cobwebs - I have a spider in my car - I just hope its only a little one!!!
I love the clever way cobwebs are made but I hate it when I walk into one and it goes across my face.
We had one on the car mirror the other day and the spider clung for dear life as we sped along a motor way. It was still there when we got out.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Spiders are determined little arachnoids - I will have to evict all the little ones that habitate the "rims" of my kitchen windows. I will do my bestest to gentely remove them all to the wild wilderness of my scraggy garden.
They've had little to catch over Winter in with me, so I say they will be better off out there (even with the next springtime gales and the "even more" storms we've yet to get).
Spiders are determined little wotsits whole world over!!!
Lovely photo - that wasn't in your car though was it?
In this house it is husband's job to clean the cars.
Good day Lindsay, let me first introduce myself. My name is Kristjaan Panneman, I am a Dutch haiku-poet and I am hosting a daily haiku meme at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. For today's post I needed a photo of a cobweb ... I ran into your weblog and saw this wonderful photo. I hope you don't mind, but I have used your photo in the post for today. If you don't want me to use your photo please let me know.
You can find the above mentioned post at: http://chevrefeuillescarpediem.blogspot.nl/2014/08/carpe-diem-531-sweetness.html
Of course I have mentioned your name and linked it to your weblog.
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