Snippets from various blogs occasionally remind me of events! The year was December 31st 1968 and I was ensconced in hospital in Bermuda awaiting the birth of Son. Whilst in labour I was informed that the custom was that various shops shower the first baby of the year with gifts. Oh, I thought, I had better hang on!
However Son arrived just before midnight. About four hours later a woman from the US base stationed in Bermuda arrived with her newborn baby to share the room in the hospital. All hell broke loose in the morning - indeed - gifts were showered and stacked up on the other side of the room from me and Son.
My mum, back home in the UK, sent me flowers which were arranged nicely by my bed.
In the afternoon the Press arrived to take photos of the proud mother and her new year baby. The Photo Men arranged the room and then noticed that New Year Parents had no flowers - they whisked mine away to add to the artistic effect! I felt pretty low! I think I left that hospital fast and Son bellowed for days!
A spring walk along the Brecon Canal
9 hours ago