Monday, 4 August 2008

They Get Bigger Every Day

This harvester thingy trundled through our village - what a whopper!

I think I would rather see less machines and more people being employed on the land - but heyho, I am just old-fashioned.


Flowerpot said...

That is massive Lindsay. And I agree about machines - we're showing our age I guess!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

You may well have your wish one day Lindsay - lots of things seem to go round again and for the better I say. A

susi said...

These massive machines come through our village too and they're usually driven by young lads plugged into their ipods and apparently oblivious to the world
(I'm showing my age too).

Lane Mathias said...

Wow, that is enormous! Soon they'll be too big for the lanes.

blogthatmama said...

How much do they weigh? Must be tons - it must damage the roads too.

cheshire wife said...

It looks like it has escaped from America - maybe it has had too many burgers.