Thursday, 12 November 2009

The Points System

Our new build house boasted a "double garage" - what rot! Perhaps you could park two minis side by side packed like sardines with no way of entering the cars except with a tin opener. Where to park my car? (Naturally Husband bagged the garage for his car ???). We had to pave an area of garden next to the garage to park my trusty Terios.

Well - the next problem was - how good was I at reversing into this space - actually to begin with I was awful. Thank goodness my car is fitted with a reversing beeper otherwise I would have flattened the picket fence behind many many times.

Husband started "awarding me" points out of ten as to how I parked the car. Sometimes he would emerge from our front door gesticulating with his fingers and hands as to how many points I had gained for my latest effort. One day our neighbour passed whilst this ritual was being carried out - blow me down if he hasn't entered into the sport as well! Needless to say neither man has ever ever awarded me 10 out of 10. I got my own back the other day when I asked Husband to hang out the washing for me - what a fearful mess - shirts were hung up by their shoulders and not spread out, pants were drooped over the line, trousers were hung up by one peg. Guess what - I awarded him nought out of ten!


Gretel said...

Why, why, why don't men 'get' hanging out the washing? Mine is exactly the same, which is why I do it. You would have thought they'd use that famous male logic (if it isn't hung properly how on earth will it dry?) but it ends up looking as if it had been hung out by the cat!

cheshire wife said...

Brilliant idea! But if you husband is anything like mine he will not care whether he gets 0 or 10!

All things nice... said...

Just came across your blog, I love rural living too :) I was in stitches laughing reading this post, your husband sounds very similiar to my dad, if hes outside and Im moving my car, he always tells me which way to go and I wouldnt mind you could turn a truck outside our house, I think it's just a man thing!

All things nice...

Linda said...

Works the same way around here:)

Gill - That British Woman said...

you are so funny and I agree I bet your dh couldn't care two hoots how many points he gets!!

Gill in Canada

Fiona said...

Why is it that men believe backing anything is their domain. Same thing with the barbecue. I'd be giving him some hand signals in return!!!

Mickle in NZ said...

Husband is one step ahead of my neighbour who hasn't grasped the concept of clothes pegs (despite the previous occupants leaving him a whole little bucket of them). It appears he just throws his washing at his line, remaining ever hopeful it will land on said line and stay there.

Of course it doesn't with Wellington's frequently windy weather!

Liz Hinds said...

Good for you! Husband is the same with washing. And I'm the same with parking!!

Suburbia said...

Sounds like you have a great relationship!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Too funny!

I backed into my husband's car the other day. Bam! Right into it. In the driveway. Sigh.