Husband has urged me to post this topic because he and several others found it very funny. I have a mobility scooter which is slightly unusual - photo top right of page. In repose this fearsome beast lives tucked tightly into the side wall of our garage so as not to get scratched by husband parking his car badly! Often when parking the scooter I have to chug back and forth, reverse in and out to achieve the required position. On this particular day, about two weeks ago, I came to park the scooter and did the usual back and forth movements. But I made a mistake and shot into the side of the electric garage mechanism near the spring system. There was an almighty clang (husband heard it in the house) and somehow the back mudguard of the scooter got lodged into the spring. The scooter reared up in anger and I was shot off. I landed hard on my backside with my hands scraping along the tarmac. I was getting up off the ground when husband appeared - I was bruised and cut - but fine. We had a good laugh and it took some time to disentangle the scooter. Just then our neighbour and three year old son wandered past our drive. Husband turned to little Harry (who is a bundle of fun and a little toughie) and explained that Lindsay had had a crash! "A crash" shouted Harry, his eyes opening wide - he then said "I wish I had seen it" !! We have laughed about it often since - my cut fingers have been a nuisance but all is well.
Oh dear! extra cushions need to be scattered around the garage for a softer landing next time. Hope you heal soon.
Both my parents had mobility scooters so I can appreciate that it's not easy to park! Had to chuckle at Harry's comments!
Well alls well that ends well ...but perhaps you could try it once more just for little Harrys viewing ;) Glad you are okay!
Glad you are ok, sounds nasty!
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