Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Oh, What a Forkload . . . . . . . . .
Monday, 29 September 2008
Carriage Chaos
Friday, 26 September 2008
A Great Over (I mean honour)

Malc because of his wonderful humour and his love of pigs! I think he finds these awards a bit 'girlie', but I just love his blog.
Uphilldowndale and Nuts in May for their blogs which contain very descriptive posts and beautiful photos.
Lane and Suburbia their posts make me laugh.
Autumn Is Here
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Canal Walk
Monday, 22 September 2008
Mystified by the Cows
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Harvest at Last
Computer on Strike
Friday, 19 September 2008
This thatcher was on his lunch break I think! However this photo shows a good example of the art of thatching.
We had lunch at a lovely pub in the village which had these four birds on the roof. Referring to my earlier photo of 'Slinking Fox' - I think most people will realise that these are not real birds - whereas some were fooled by the thatched fox!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Pulling Down the Sails
This is husband (I think explaining two points!!) to our new found Australian friend.
This is arriving at Venice early in the morning where sadly the cruise ended. We made some really good friends and experienced a truly different holiday (and topped up with the old sunshine which has been lacking in the UK this year).
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Royal Clipper Clippings
This is a view taken in Corfu near the cricket ground - I think the restaurant was rather tastefully done picking up the green of the ground beyond.
This is our cabin. We had a Bulgarian stewardess called Diana looking after us - she was great. We appeared to be the only ones that came in after breakfast to find a towel sculpture on the bed. This one is of a crocodile. One night I decided to do a towel sculpture for Diana. I took two biscuits and a banana from teatime and made a smiley face on my pillow capped with my sunhat.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Sunsets Viewed Aboard Royal Clipper
Actually I think this photo is sunrise rather than sunset just after we had passed Stromboli which was gently smoking. Royal Clipper always slowed down when we passed a really interesting and lovely place.
Monday, 15 September 2008
More Clips from Clipper
This is the Bosun who is in charge of the deck crew, he came from Goa.
My only visit ashore came at Corfu when Royal Clipper actually moored alongside instead of anchoring just off land. Husband and I were enjoying the best ice cream we have ever tasted. It was fresh Kumquat. I enjoyed Corfu - we took a taxi straight to the Old Town and wandered around finally reaching the Cricket Ground.
The cafe in which we ate the ice cream was situated near a square where this photo of the statue plus pigeon was taken.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Aqua Antics on Royal Clipper
From the marina one could swim - this was lovely although rather cold. There were diving opportunities for the nutters that liked sinking into the depths to look at wrecks and things. Snorkels and flippers were readily available. There were also two kayaks, a couple of small sailing dinghies and of course the Zodiacs. Here you can see me in the blue tee shirt yakking to the others as we donned life jackets in readiness for a zodiac safari. The others hopped in - I did a slow shuffling on my behind!
Here we are all set for a zoom through the seas exploring the inlets and coves around the Korcula area. For those of you who watched a lovely documentary on TV about Francesco Da Mosta and The Black Swan, Korcula is one of the places he visited.
The three people in charge of the water sports were all from Sweden. I asked if I could swim a circle around Royal Clipper but due to health and safety we were not allowed to do this. Once, whilst on deck, looking down at the marina, I saw the biggest jellyfish of my life - it was about 18 inches in diameter, a solid pink in colour with an inner circle of deep red. I shouted a warning down to the swimmers and all made a hasty exit!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
An Award - Thanks Hadriana

This award comes to me just at the right time to cheer me up. For those already not in the know, Rescue Dog had to be put down very unexpectedly after our arrival back home from a holiday on Royal Clipper. My brain is still reeling from the loss of Rescue Dog and the swaying motion from Royal Clipper.
I think I would like this award to travel to the following - their blogs reflect my interest in all things rural and my tomboy instincts that my poor mother was unable to quell! I love all their wonderful photographs.
Linda at Just Another Day on The Prairie
Malc at The Edge of Nowhere
Woodpightel Cottage
Mudranch's Real Dirt
Aussie Oklahoma
Friday, 12 September 2008
I Liked Watching Men At Work on . . . . . . . .
During time in port all the deck crew were busily but quietly keeping the ship - well - shipshape! These two were high up on one of the spars changing some pulleys. The fair haired one was obviously the crew's most athletic member and he was often seen hanging upside down inspecting, repairing and generally keeping busy. Varnishing and painting jobs were carried out non-stop. The ship, I think, has only a week in dry dock a year. At the end of this month the ship sails to the caribbean for the winter.
Husband took the opportunity and visited the engine room. Apart from the engines there was a de-salination plant for all water needs, a sewage cleansing system - the water so clean by the end of the treatment it is pumped back into the sea.
Tomorrow I shall describe the water sports facilities (my particular interest).
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Rescue Dog
We Sailed Away on . . . . . . . . . . .
The crew were made up of over 26 nationalities but everyone seemed to get on well. We were amongst a motley group of approx 240 passengers -only 3 british couples, quite a few from Australia and USA and the majority from Germany. We especially enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere on board - no rigid table places at mealtimes etc.
The weather was fantastic - 30C and clear skies for the 11 days - we could have done with a little more wind to have been able to sail more often - however the deck crew did their utmost to utilise the wind. These first two pictures were taken by Husband whilst going ashore in one of the tenders - mostly we anchored off the ports. Lots of little boats used to flock around and take pictures as Royal Clipper was quite a sight - especially sailing at night - the masts and rigging were lit up. Enough for now as my brain is still not working properly after the holiday and I am still swaying along with the ship!