"The Kitchen Gardeners" entered the village pub quiz night. We did not do very well. The quizmaster seemed to be a stickler for exact wording. For example we were not allowed "Helen" - it had to be "Helen of Troy". We were not allowed "The Gladiators" - it had to be "Gladiator". Team "Barking Mad" also came near the bottom of the pile with us. We lost our voices booing and hissing. So quizmaster (who shall remain nameless) I dedicate this photo to you!
From one tower to another
46 minutes ago
Thanks for dropping by and reading my blog.
I enjoy quiz nights too and find it can all get rather vicious.
The dog looks adorable.
What a meanie quizmaster!
I love Rescue Dog and his lovely (rather enormous!) bunny!
One of my rescue dogs loves soft toys but she destroys them. She has to settle for a sturdy Kong toy and it's just not the same.
(Thanks for stopping by over at mine.
We used to go to a pub quiz regularly and got quite goopd at it but then the pub was rebuilt and they stopped doing quizzes. We (our team) moved on to another pub but were dismal failures there and, as we have a couple of very competitive people amongst us, we only go occasionally now,
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