Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Snail's Pace
Monday, 29 December 2008
Cloud, Frost, Sun
Thursday, 25 December 2008
The Christmas Spirit
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Animal Magic
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Do Not Touch!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Compost Creations
Thursday, 11 December 2008
This Is A Bit Sad!
All you arty-tarty people out there please suggest how I can make a good table decoration out of fruits and leaves. Thanks in advance (hopefully).
Telling Us It Is Christmas Time
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Frosty Weather
Sunday, 7 December 2008
An Early Christmas Present
Friday, 5 December 2008
Getting The Hang Of It
After one picture fell off the wall about 10 days ago - smashed glass everywhere etc - we thought "Oh Well".
Yesterday evening whilst us old wrinklies were sitting with our feet up watching TV there was an almighty crash in the hall. Another picture had flung itself off the wall.
Husband has spent the morning replacing all picture hooks with "self exploding" screws. Our house has these thin plasterboard walls and we were very careful to use the right picture hooks. We conclude that the house has dried out and the pinholes have enlarged over the past two years. I came home from my usual swim to find Husband had just finished the job so I gave him a pat on the back (then suggested he made us some lunch) (no not really!!!).
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Benenden Bollard Bashers
Climbed aboard to Park and Ride Bus and met by chance one of Husband's tennis doubles partners whom I have not met before. She said to me "I gather you went to Benenden". Then ensued a conversation about school etc etc. (I hated the place). She then complained how she had had to reach the Park and Ride area through streams of traffic. I said, in a loud voice, "Oh, I removed the bollards". There was a gasp and titters from many other passengers on the bus who had obviously suffered the same traffic jams.
At Benenden they taught you how to be independent and resourceful (forget about the lessons)!!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Dancer, Prancer, Chancer . . . . . . . . Whatever!
The quizmaster, due to work commitments, was unable to join in the local panto this year and was sorely missing it - so instead he performed his own "Christmas Carol" at the end of the quiz - all this entertainment for a £1 entry fee - a good community spirit in our village.
Oh well - I am pondering whether to join "The Eggheads"
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Turned Out Nice?
Friday, 28 November 2008
Goodbye Jamie
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Krazy Kitchen Kalamities
Came the day of the great cook up - what a cock up! He asked for mustard powder - he meant curry powder! Off to the shop again. The concoction began - I left him alone in the kitchen. When finally emerging from the kitchen hot and bothered James sounded dubious but blamed our UK cabbage!!! We have plenty of different varieties in the shops as everyone knows so how can you pick up the "wrong type". The chicken noodle soup, James proclaimed, was different too - I cannot argue with that one as I have never cooked with it before! Then the rice was wrong - actually he forgot to cook it and the dish ended up with a dollop of mashed potato.
As it so happened I have the dreaded gastric flu and was unable to sample this masterful piece of work (whew!!) but Husband said he enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Oh Yuk!
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Childhood Memories
Thursday, 20 November 2008
We Have Been Framed (or there is a ghost about)
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Keeping Fit - (sort of)
Monday, 17 November 2008
Cannot See The Wood For The Trees

However, with Husband for moral support, I visited the bank and I must say they were very very efficient especially as this kind of fraud involves more than just your bank. It also involves the police and they are now hot on the scent.
At the moment I feel like the Queen because I travel without any money! All should get sorted out soon but my attititudes have changed. I shall now carry cash (probably get mugged instead) with which to pay for petrol (one widely known supermarket is apparently not very secure using a card), also a well known cheap clothing website is not very secure either. All this is very inconvenient for me being less mobile than some. But hey-ho I live to fight another day!
Saturday, 15 November 2008
How Not To Play Golf
Thursday, 13 November 2008
I Couldn't Have Done That. . . . . . Could I?
As you do, we started to remind each other of the past. Not a good idea after a few drinks! Apparently, according to Jamie, we two children hated our next door neighbour and I used to lob my father's 78 rpm records, frisbee like, over the garden fence! I really really do not remember anything about this - surely I would not be so naughty? Surely my father would have missed his precious opera collection of records? All I do remember is that if we got into any trouble, because I was the eldest, I got blamed for it!
Who Needs The Crutches?
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
What Are We Prone To Doing?
James Has Arrived Safely From OZ
Monday, 10 November 2008
Rainy Days and Mondays
Neighbour tells me he has a rat under his garden shed - oh bliss, oh joy!! Just when we had shifted our friend Moley. The rat could have come straight off the fields behind us or from a nearby farmyard cum stables. Neighbours two terriers are in for some fun and have been sniffing around. We invited the dogs into our garden, afraid the rat might be interested in our compost heap - but no - neighbour assured us - no rats had passed nearby. Please Ratty just concentrate on Neighbour's shed!
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Husband is a "Lead Balloon"
Arrived home and pranced up to the front door singing "The Dancing Queen" - Husband was not amused. His tiny shell-like ears can only tune in to classical music. Radio 2 is streamed into my ears via wireless headphones so as not to irritate those sensitive ears of his.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Who is Quizzing Who?
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Tagging Along
1. I have been "blessed" with size 10 (europe size 44) feet. That has caused endless trouble finding shoes and much teasing from friends and family. My brother calls me Bigfoot.
2. In my youth (long time ago) I was very sporty and gave Virgina Wade a run for her money during an inter-schools tennis match. The very next day had my first knee injury that has prevented me from pursuing any sport except swimming. I am an avid armchair sports watcher of tennis, cricket and rubgy.
3. I loathe pineapple in any form - fresh or in those awful chunks.
4. Suffer from insomnia, I think from birth! Had awful time at boarding school sleeping in dormitories until I was prefect - I then ruled my dormitory with a rod of iron and nobody was allowed to talk after lights out.5. At school I was head of the "Fairies" group in our Brownies pack. This is really awful because even aged 10 I was head and shoulders taller than my fellow fairies and had the already growing large feet. Head of the "Trolls" would have been better.
6. My family are scattered. Brother in Australia. Step-daughter and her family in Devon living in a tiny village in the wilds of Dartmoor. My son and his family live in London. Due to this - we do not see our families as often as we would like.
Hadriana has requested me to pass on this tag to six other bloggers. I have to inform them of this action and also report back to Hadriana.
So, in no particular order:
My brother Jamie I expect he will not find the time to carry out this task as the computer he uses is in his office in Australia - he should be working!
Gill (That British Woman)
Just Me Really
Part Time Single Mum In France
Strawberry Jam Anne
Sunday, 2 November 2008
My Brother is getting Nervous For Two Reasons
The other issue I know my brother will be pondering upon is whether we have a sufficient stock of Red Currant Jelly in the cupboard. We, as a family, have always eaten large quantities of the stuff and Jamie has brought up his four children in Australia to do the same. Some time ago Jamie informed us that over in OZ there was a dearth of the brand of red currant jelly that the family liked. I imagined loads of jelly swilling around in tankers hastily making their way to Australia, but I know their import regulations are strict so I did not organise a shipping fleet.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Weather Watching
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Four Herons ( And Possibly a Funeral)
When he comes back from these walks I always ask him if he has seen anything interesting - if he hasn't he usually makes something up just to amuse me. However a couple of days ago he came back and reported he had seen four herons standing in the middle of a ploughed field with a kestrel worrying them from above. He was not spinning me a yarn. Neither of us have ever seen four herons grouped together let alone being mobbed by a kestrel.
Husband does not like seeing possible death in the wild so he swiftly moved on.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Leafless - Husband Nutty as a Fruitcake
At the beginning of October Husband emptied our lonely single compost heap out on to the veg patch (and good stuff it was too). But Husband needs leaves to start off the new season of compost making - on his regular walks he takes this plastic bag and fills it with leaves - but he likes a variety of leaves - today whilst we were shopping at Waitrose I saw him looking with hunger at the strip of grass covered with fallen leaves in the car park. I said "No" - he said "Oh Yes". To my embarrassment and to the curiosity of the other shoppers Husband proceeded to trawl up and down the car park greedily stuffing his bag with leaves. Oh well it takes all sorts!
Friday, 24 October 2008
Slowly Slowly Catchy Moley
So far Mr Mole has followed a route just where we had planted spring bulbs which are now uprooted, but he has stuck to the strip of longish grass we had left for poor Rescue Dog to use.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Wonderful Westonbirt
The colour of leaves was simply stunning - the best ever. We could not decide whether there were more camera lenses or labradors lolloping about! We normally leave Westonbirt to visitors in the autumn knowing that in the winter the place is just as beautiful - in the good old days when we ourselves had labradors and later Rescue Dog it was a lovely place to visit after a recent snowfall.
Today I shall put my feet up having 'overdone' the walking bit yesterday - but it was well worth the effort.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Wholly Holey Moley
Friday, 17 October 2008
A boring walk until . . . . . . .
I think this area of The Thames has not got the same charisma as the canals.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Post Office Games
A friend advised me the best way to stop these catalogues from flooding through your letterbox was to just scrawl 'Return to Sender' upon the outside and cover up your own name with a label requesting removal from mailing list and post back. This seemed to work for a bit - just a little bit.
I think our local sorting office decided I was a nuisance and I found the wretched catalogues returning to me with my sticky label torn off to re-display my name and address. I now have a different system - I add the return address on another sticky label - I think the sorting office do not like searching the catalogue for the return address - so far success.
We do not have a letter box - we have an American style mail box attached to our porch. All of the four new houses find these difficult. If we go away we have to arrange for a neighbour to empty our box - I think it can only hold about 5 thick A4 letters in total. You ask why do we not insert a letter box - we have very nice thick oak front doors - it would be a mammoth job to install a letter box - way beyond Husband and I.
Monday, 13 October 2008
My Window Pain
This problem carried on for a full year until I nagged Husband to really DO something about it! The result was we hired a cherry picker device (quite good value we thought) and our lovely next door neighbour who has a head for heights and building experience zoomed up to the window - luck was with us - it was a horrible cold windy day with the wind coming from the north. He could see nothing but raised himself above the window and lo and behold he discovered the window had not even been sealed in properly by the builders!!! The wind had been vibrating against a piece of waterproofing lining. Neighbour cheerfully sealed up the window and all was well - until last week. A familiar moan started again - oh no, not again.
I had a brilliant idea - I bought some blue-tack, hung out of the window and squashed it into the recess above the window. Silence was golden. This weekend we bribed Neighbour to scoot up his own long ladder and re-seal the window (the sealant had dried out). So really, we have to persuade our neighbour not to move house ever so that annually he can renew the sealant for us! Why oh why do not builders check their own work. I would have been fired from my job if I had made such basic mistakes.
Friday, 10 October 2008
Handy Household Tip
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Virgin Outage - more like Outrage
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
High In The Sky Trouble
Apparently Quantas had an 'in-flight upset' - well, the mind boggles. Perhaps all the passengers developed food poisoning and dashed to the loos all at once creating a weight imbalance, loo paper bulging out under the doors, sick bags taking the strain (sorry, Strine as it was a Quantas plane). On a serious note the plane landed safely and all was well - possible air turbulence.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Car Clutter
Biro and Paper
Walking Sticks
Plastic Supermarket Bags
In the boot are my swimming things! I am too lazy of offload my swimming bag each day - the "Aqua Set" have discovered that if they leave their cozzies hanging over the back seat they are dry to use the next day - I also leave my pool shoes (size 10) and my washing kit to dry as well.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Narrowboat Names (nothing to do with potatoes)
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Hoarse from Laughter
Last night was the local pub quiz night - this is made hilarious by the antics of the quizmaster. Eight teams of 4 people took part and unfortunately the team I was in came 2nd last! If we had come last we would have won the booby prize which is often better than the 'real' prize. Last night the losers received Avocado's from Lidls (best price) and highlighter pens!!! So far I have never come last and once first (when Husband was not around - which should tell you something!!). Having thought I was 'laughed out' with no more breath to spare, the quizmaster launched into reading an email he had received from a long lost "friend" (unrequited) via the Friends Reunited website. It was several pages long - everybody was splitting their sides and gasping for breath - well done quizmaster - the entertainment was fabulous.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Oh, What a Forkload . . . . . . . . .
Monday, 29 September 2008
Carriage Chaos
Friday, 26 September 2008
A Great Over (I mean honour)

Malc because of his wonderful humour and his love of pigs! I think he finds these awards a bit 'girlie', but I just love his blog.
Uphilldowndale and Nuts in May for their blogs which contain very descriptive posts and beautiful photos.
Lane and Suburbia their posts make me laugh.
Autumn Is Here
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Canal Walk
Monday, 22 September 2008
Mystified by the Cows
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Harvest at Last
Computer on Strike
Friday, 19 September 2008
This thatcher was on his lunch break I think! However this photo shows a good example of the art of thatching.
We had lunch at a lovely pub in the village which had these four birds on the roof. Referring to my earlier photo of 'Slinking Fox' - I think most people will realise that these are not real birds - whereas some were fooled by the thatched fox!